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Fire Technology是什么意思



1)Fire Technology,《消防技术》2)fire protection technology,消防技术3)the Technology of Fire Protection,消防技术4)social shaping of technology,消防技术的发展5)fire protection code,消防技术规范6)green fire technologies,绿色消防技术7)fire technology intermediate agencies,消防技术服务中介机构8)CTIF;Comité Technique International de Prévention et d' Extinction du Feu,国际消防技术委员会9)Danish Institute of Fire Technology,丹麦消防技术学会10)DYNFFPM;Dynamic Forest Fire Propagation Model,丹麦消防技术研究所编制的一套森林火灾蔓延的模拟程序


    The development of fire protection technology is closely associated with social factors, such as economic, political and cultural factors.

    将中国消防技术作为一个系统 ,简要分析制约中国消防技术发展的因素以及消防技术发展的机制。

    The Historical View about the Development of the Technology of Fire Protection and the Social Requirements;


    There are many inadequacies in the current fire protection code,which not only hindered architects innovation but also are unfavorable for the extension and application of new technology,new technique,new equipment and new material.


    This paper analyses the problems and restraint elements with the development of fire technology intermediate agencies and makes some suggestions about how to deal with these problems.
